Happy belated birthday – United Rant is ten. Well sort of. Born 9 March 2004, Rant has lived in two instalments: first, to March 2007, and then again from April 2009. The hiatus a story too long to recount. Yet, it has certainly been an amusing if sometimes expletive-laden ride; more than a decade of bashing out copy for the general entertainment, or otherwise, of the Manchester United supporting populous.
Along the way Rant has added three iterations of the now infamously vitriolic Forum, a popular podcast, Rant Cast, and for a short time only, a digital monthly. Occasionally, very occasionally, we’ll send out a ‘weekly’ newsletter. Well, you wouldn’t want Rant to conform to type.
In the meantime there has been the odd special appearance elsewhere – radio shows, copy in print and online, and even the odd video instalment as the site grew in both popularity and relevance.
Yet, Rant was never supposed to be a ‘thing’. No fame, revenue, nor attention has ever been sought, or controversy deliberately stoked, although each has been become a stick which critics merrily wield. In more than a decade online – one of the original United fan sites – Rant has sought only to be an outlet for an honest, usually irreverent, assessment of United’s fortunes. Positive or otherwise.
The now immortal first words published on the site tell part of the story: “Cheating bastards. Diving, time wasting, cheating bastards,” said Rant as United tumbled out of the Champions League to José Mourinho’s Porto.
The site began with a commitment to fight a takeover and, in the later years, sought to bring insight and financial analysis to the damaging Glazer ownership. It is still astonishing quite how many supporters remain ambivalent despite the near-£700 million wasted.
On the flip side, there also came one of the site’s most controversial moments, with a suggestion in November 2005 that the club may be better off without Sir Alex Ferguson. It’s a debate that Sir Alex won, taking the Reds to glory in Moscow and beyond. These are the knots that are sometimes tied when there is no agenda nor party line to hold.
What of the next decade? Well, there is no real plan bar a commitment to more of the same. Join us, if you will.
ah I remember those days when I wanted Le Guen to replace Fergie…and O’Neil…only ten years ago and look where they are now.
hi, i just want to pass my message across and hoping it reaches to those who are connected to united..i am a life long united fan..this season has been so enbarasing under moyes..we have to protest and get moyes out as soon as possible he is a joke he is tacticaly useless he has no idea on how to beat the bit teams..its about tactics he has got it all wrong he is desmantling our club..it will be years we will win bachk the title if we stick with moyes we will be heading the way liverpool were..please get rid of moyes!!!!!
Leo, I don’t know how old you are , but I’m a lifelong fan too, and can remember when Fergie was called an embarrassment ( correct spelling). Only last season Liverpool fans were calling for Rodgers head. Are they now ?
Thank you for your extremely appreciated rants, musings, end of pod song choices (usually always nailed on), Paul’s shocking singing and Ed’s lame jokes!!!
It’s always a joy listening and reading and (mostly) agreeing with all things you say about United.
I will donate some coinage, I’m just a bit brassic at present, but this time next year…
Onwards and upwards, God bless and God speed. X
To paraphrase what a noted thinker said to the great Eric Cantona once, “You have given me more joy than anyone else in football related digital media.”
Here’s to the next decade!
Excellent site and podcast, one of the best one’s. I like how your quite independent in mind and thinking, your not like sheep, which you could say about some of the support. Whilst I would enjoy the podcast twice likely!!! I’ll still enjoy it once a week.
Happy Birthday.
My favourite United Pod by far. Seems like Paul and Ed have become a part of the furniture in my house. Especially love the fact that Paul always reminds us that footbal, although an important part of or lives shouldn’t be all consuming and that a little perspective is important.
Keep doing what you are doing.
Just for a second there guys I was afraid that you were going to announce the end of the rantcast. It was a very emotional second, thanks for all the hard work!
Happy Birthday.
Congratulations on completing 10 years! I have been a regular reader for almost 8 of those years and a very rare contributor as well. I really admire the detailed analyses in your articles and love the Rantcast, which is probably among the best fan podcasts out there.
Keep it going! Here’s to another 10 years…
Congratulations on your tenth, Ed. I know how much work it is to blog regularly on any subject, never mind all the other stuff you do. It’s very much appreciated.
I’ve not forgotten you, Paul. I always look forward to hearing what you and Ed have to say on Rant Cast. I’ve never missed an episode, although I get a bit irritated when it looks like you two might (better late than never, though), but then I remind myself how fortunate we listeners are that you bother at all. I only wish that Twitter wasn’t your chosen method of interacting; I can’t be arsed with its limitation on the number of characters per tweet.
Once again, Ed. Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do for the more discerning Manchester United supporters.
Happy belated birthday Unitedrant. I am a regular reader (from 2004) though I rarely post. I also love the podcast, that’s the first thing I do on Saturday mornings. I mostly tend to agree with Paul more often than Ed (except his Welbeck obsession) but maximum respect to the both of you. Keep up the good work and here is to the next 10!
Paul on the left? What have you been doing to that poor girl on the right Ed?
Relatively fresh as I joined the group of fascinated followers of the Rantcast in 2010 but since the I enjoyed any second of it (bare Paul`s Welbz antics. And on matchdays it`s always fun to give Paul some food for thought on Twitter
@Kagawa23United 😉
Keep on the entertaining in these dark hours under The Twat