The reaction from Merseyside was predictable, even if the strength of Liverpool FC’s statement was shocking. “Twas always the way on Merseyside,” as one journalist surmised when, minutes after the Football Association handed down an eight game ban to striker Luis Suarez, pending appeal, for using abusive and racist language, the club lashed out at the FA, Patrice Evra and anybody else perceived to have wronged ‘their’ player. Wagons circled.
And while the case remains sub judice until the striker’s appeal is heard, and concluded, the prima face case against Suarez was always far less complex that presented. Indeed, the FA’s charge against Suarez was strengthened by the Uruguayan’s own words. The corroborating evidence, or lack thereof if the Merseyside club is believed, seemed far less relevant from the moment Suarez admitted in the Uruguayan media to using an unspecified racial epithet, believed to be “Negro”. The striker repeated the claim to the FA panel, leaving the three-man committee with little room for manoeuvre. Acceptable or not in Uruguay, any variation of the “N” word in England, or indeed northern Europe, was never likely to be tolerated. In English law ignorance has never been an excuse.
Yet, the reaction from Liverpool came anyway; another in a strategic pattern of action by the 119-year-old club to subvert the course of FA justice via the media. Liverpool’s cry is little more than a smokescreen, with the Suarez-Evra affair rather simple amid all the deep analysis of nuanced language, culture and, of course, race.
Liverpool’s reaction on Tuesday night may still have far-reaching consequences though, both for the club and relations between two of England’s most venerable institutions. Here is a world renown, and widely respected club, smearing Evra, defending the – prima facie – indefensible, while accusing the FA of institutional bias.
“It is our strong held belief, having gone over the facts of the case, that Luis Suarez did not commit any racist act,” Liverpool’s statement read last night – an inflammatory post that was immediately pulled from the club’s official website, only to be reinstated shortly afterwards.
“It is also our opinion that the accusation by this particular player was not credible – certainly no more credible than his prior unfounded accusations.
“Luis himself is of a mixed race family background as his grandfather was black. He has been personally involved since the 2010 World Cup in a charitable project which uses sport to encourage solidarity amongst people of different backgrounds with the central theme that the colour of a person’s skin does not matter; they can all play together as a team.
“He has played with black players and mixed with their families whilst with the Uruguay national side and was Captain at Ajax Amsterdam of a team with a proud multi-cultural profile, many of whom became good friends.”
Indeed, Evra may well have cause to seek legal advice after Liverpool’s reference to “prior unfounded accusations” – a nod to the 2009 case in which Chelsea groundsman Sam Bethel was accused of using racist language against the Frenchman. The accusation, the FA’s record notes, was made by United coaches Mike Phelan and Richard Hartis, and was at no point repeated by the player.
A reference without subtly: ‘Evra played the race card’.
It is also distressing that Liverpool, a club whose achievements are to be respected no matter the tribal rivalry, should fall into the classic racist’s excuse: ‘Suarez cannot be racist, he has black friends and family’. The charge, as clearly laid out by the FA, was never a question of whether Suarez is a racist, but whether the 26-year-old used racist and offensive language. Everything else is irrelevant.
Yet, Liverpool’s statement on Tuesday night also neatly sums up the club’s closed-ranks strategy over the past two months, with journalists regularly briefed on the club’s position, despite the FA’s warning not to prejudice the eventual hearing. Cynically, the Merseyside club is seemingly more than happy to fan the flames of tribalism.
The Telegraph’s Henry Winter, for example, repeated Liverpool’s case almost verbatim as the hearing began last week. Suarez could not be a racist, so the briefing went, because he has played with black players; the language used is acceptable in Uruguay and, quite laughably, Liverpool owner John Henry once held a memorial day for a black ex Boston Red Socks baseball player. Irrelevance, smoke and mirrors.
Suarez’ appeal is still pending, and although the evidence is unlikely to change, it is conceivable that another panel will cut the sanction. That committee could, of course, increase the ban and fine too. Suarez’ eight game ban and £40,000 fine represents little more than a month on the sidelines and three days’ wages. Many in the game will feel, with justification, that the FA’s response to racism is too little, far too late.
Without the reasoning behind the panel’s decision it is, of course, impossible to pass full judgement. Yet, a precedent is now set: use of the “N” word in any variation is unacceptable. For that, football fans of all colours – shirt and skin – will recognise that the governing body, albeit via an independent panel, has finally taken a stand.
Except on Merseyside it seems, where Suarez is not a bigot to be condemned, but a martyr slain at the FA’s door.
Well you got your way, as soon as it appears on NewsNow you’ll get everybody reading it.
You’ve not been of the usual ‘Redcafe’ piltdown man variety & you articulated your position, so thatv deserves the same respect in reverse.
If the roles were reveresed you’d see it exactly as Liverpool’s statement 110%
The FA-well enough said.
Evra-a horible little man with previous.
Fergie-mission accomplished in his little Suarez briefings some months ago.
But then hey you’re Man Utd-and as your fans say “We’ll do as we want”.
Says it alll really, we despise you and our relations are now sub-cold war.
Finally, when you build your bonfire, do you put Rooney on the top?
Do you sing ‘Murderers’ at Crystal Palace? Or they at you more to the point??
You won’t print this anyway.
Cestrianred – given that there’s a library of articles on here condemning racism, and has been for years, I’m quite sure my position would be the same had a United player done this. Unlike 100% of Liverpool fans, Liverpool’s management and Liverpool’s players I believe that racism is bigger than petty club tribalism. Believe that or not, I couldn’t give a shit. The rest of your post is the normal Scouse denial template. Got a racist player? Throw shit at everybody else and hope something sticks. Still not able to face up to what has been done are you.
Love the last line. The last refuge of every braindead scoundrel.
I thought Liverpool fans were to be noted for their wit and cheeky intelligence. Well, now we know what a myth that is. Witty, cheeky intelligence: scrap that!
Evra,the victim of the abuse by Suárez, earns a lot of money. I’m disabled and receive regular, almost weekly, cruel and offensive verbal abuse, and occasionally physical attacks; yet I’m living on benefits and unable to fully participate in society.
Let’s get things in proportion and not get our knickers in a twist over a petty case of name-calling.
Apparently he called him “Negrito” according to this guy >>>
Check the meaning on Wikipedia.
Got exactly what he deserved Livepool should be ashamed that they are trying to justify what he said!
I still find it bemusing and not a little ironic that so many Ranters have chosen to get bent out of shape over an incident in which Suarez apparently reminded Evra that he is black (a fact), and Evra probably replied with something along the lines that Suarez had had sexual relations with his mother, father, and the neighbor’s dog (probably true as well, but not generally regarded as a fact), and yet only Suarez stands to be punished. I can’t help feeling that Evra is a bit of a crybaby for pressing these charges, and I am baffled by the likelihood that only Suarez will be punished for what occurred in their heated exchange. No offense, Ed, but I think your time would have been better spent preparing your preview of today’s match against Fulham.
You are an idiot.
Would u consider yourself a “cry baby” if you told people you got racially abused by someone? In any walk of life?
I think not..
Dont justify this idiots actions, he has a history…Diving, Biting, hand gestures…he is vile.
Let it go Mate… there is a good reason why no one agrees with you… you’re talking shit.
Thus speaks they great and powerful Alf. Actually, the reason no one will even examine the question as I put it, is that they prefer to wallow in their hatred of all things Liverpool while regurgitating the party line of the politically correct.
Oh, if only you could read with comprehension. I make no effort to justify Suarez’s actions; I merely point out that Evra, who is equally culpable of saying hateful things about another person during a heated exchange, will most likely not be punished for it.
Comprehension you say? You cant even comprehend your own words! How can Evra get punished? He hasnt done anything?
Notice that you said Evra “probably” replied with something…but then you say he is “culpable” of saying hateful things? Well he is obviously not “culpable” because he hasnt been found guilty of saying anything!
You think they would review the case without looking at what both players were saying? Come on mate think about it.
Suarez has been found guilty, end of. So regardless of what you think Evra “probably” said, it doesnt matter!
No doubt Evra isn’t a saint either, but calling someone’s mother a whore or whatever was said doesn’t justify racial abuse.
The fact that Suarez has been found guilty must have been a nailed on cert that he did it
I mean, ffs, for the FA to do anything to suit United they must have had concrete evidence to prosecute…probably why it took so long as they were looking for get out clauses for the dippers..
There seem to be two elements of confusion in this matter that have not yet been clarified:
First, did Luis Suarez call “negrito” – lots of suggestions that he did so but no official confirmation of his exact words – and did he do it repeatedly (ten times ?) in the same way that a southern-American racist in the era of segregation would call a black man “boy” ?
Second, is this a matter of “he said/he said” or is there other corroborating evidence ?
It would seem that the panel of FA adjudicators must have had solid evidence to conclude that Suarez’ intention was racist AND that there is further evidence that corroborates that conclusion.
Leaving aside footie-tribalism, this is a high-profile, politically-charged case and I can’t imagine that the FA panel would have come down with a guilty verdict without having solid evidence to support that verdict.
What troubles me about that verdict is the relative leniency of the punishment – the monetary penalty is trivial in the world of a highly-paid player (two/three days’ wages ?) and the eight-match suspension seems astonishing in light of Rio Ferdinand’s eight-month suspension for missing a drug test (which he took within 48 hours and was found to be drug-free). For being found guilty of uttering a racist taunt, I should have thought that a much-lengthier ban would have been in order AND consistent with other punishments for much less serious transgressions.
What’s with the “great and powerful”, shit?… Have I ever deleted one of you posts, or used any form of censorship or acted from a position of authority toward you? Quit being a big baby.
You’re back to your ridiculous position of acting like “Rants” resident moral interpreter… who the fuck are you to question peoples reasoning for their outrage?
Now, why don’t you dissect the fuck out of that, and then tell me how I’ve “misunderstood”, or that I’m just a “promoter of hatred towards LFC”, or some other such garbage.
I call you a cunt!… call me an asshole for saying so… makes perfect sense to me… and I’ll take no great umbrage.
Call me a “ni**er lover”, or something similar, because my missus is black, and be grateful that you could hide behind your computer, because I’d smack you in the mouth for it… why should that upset me so? Why do I even have to explain something so profoundly simple, to someone who is obviously intelligent?
It makes complete sense to all but the most ignorant of others feelings… racist comments are not just offhand insults, like “you twat”, or even more purposeful, “you fucking racist sympathising cockhead” but a specific slur that suggests that not only you, but your whole race and/or culture is somehow inferior to me.
Your stubborn refusal to accept what most see clearly, smacks of shit stirring, just for the sake of starting an argument, to see if you can stand alone against a tide of disagreement… lame hobby if you ask me.
“Badges, to god-damned hell with badges! We have no badges. In fact, we don’t need badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges, you god-damned cabrón and ching’ tu madre! Come out from that shit-hole of yours. I have to speak to you.”
You are just proving my point more and more with each post. Evra has admitted to replying – in Spanish, if I remember correctly – with an abusive comment of his own. I used the words “probably” and “something like” because exactly what Evra said has not been reported (or I haven’t read it, anyway). The point I am and have been arguing this whole time is not that Suarez is not guilty – he is, by his own admission, apparently, or that he should not be punished – he should, but rather that it is unfair that Evra, who is alleged to have made some pretty hateful comments of his own, should not be punished as well.
It all seems to hinge on the twisted logic that calling someone “Negrito” is more objectionable than “son of a bitch” or “motherfucker”. I fail to see the reasonableness of this argument. Now, the FA have definitely got a rule about racist abuse, so Suarez has been charged, found guilty, and will be punished. That’s all well and good, but if the FA don’t have any rules about other kinds of hateful and abusive language, they need to address this oversight. Evra is not the innocent victim in all this.
I see what you mean, but at the end of the day racism is racism and abuse is abuse. The world recognise them as two completely different things. Racism is not regarded the same way hateful and abusive language is.
Sure footballers swear at eachother all the time, so what are they going to do ban everyone who tells another player to fuck off? There will be no players left to play in that case!
A racist comment however is completely different and goes much deeper than some momentary dislike to a person. It is a direct attack on their race and therefore personal. People should no better, regardless of the heat of the moment, not to use racist comments.
I am not justifying hateful and abusive langauge, but it is generally more accepted than racist language. Passion can take over in football so people swear and say things they usually wouldnt, but that is no excuse to be racist in my opinion.
“Evra is not the innocent victim in all this.”
And there you have it… you completely miss the point.
Everyone who is black takes offence… not just Evra.
You call someone a cunt… and you are talking to them a alone… you call someone a “black cunt”… and you are suggesting that being a cunt isn’t bad enough… but you’re a “BLACK” cunt… and that is somehow even worse.
Fuck it… you’re just not worth it Mate.
“Badges, to god-damned hell with badges! We have no badges. In fact, we don’t need badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges, you god-damned cabrón and ching’ tu madre! Come out from that shit-hole of yours. I have to speak to you.”
I see, but if I call you “great and powerful” you start to tear up. Had I used the term “mod” in my description, your reply would have made sense.
Alf, you are by no means stupid, and I find myself agreeing with a lot of your posts, but you do have a style of arguing that is not as substantial as you may believe. The force of your disdain for opposing viewpoints – which you make quite clear – is not enough to render them invalid. In order to do that, you actually have to consider what is being said, deconstruct it, and form a coherent and logical reply. This, you quite often fail to do.
This is still Rant, isn’t it? A better question might be: who are you to tell me that I cannot question a point of view I do not agree with?
In this section you employ more favorite tactics of yours: putting words in one’s mouth and attributing motives you fabricate out of thin air. You once wrote something to the effect that the most hateful thing one person could say to another would involve a white man calling a black man “nigger”. Try this one: parent to child, “you’re ugly, and stupid, and no one will ever love you.” Now, that is as close as you will get to killing someone with words. My argument has not been that some people don’t take greater offense at racist insults, but that there is no objective reason for them to do so. Hateful words versus the hateful use of words; is this not why The Wire is full of black men referring to one another as “nigger”, but it’s okay? It is not the word itself, but how it is received that gives it all the power to offend that it has. I would venture to suggest that whatever Evra said in reply to Suarez, it was delivered with as much contempt for Suarez as he could muster and, in my opinion, is worthy of equal punishment.
Weve all heard this bollocks before. Do you really think that you are astounding us with your devastating logic?
Apparently so. I don’t see anyone actually addressing the points I have tried to make, preferring instead to keep the focus on racism.
I have addressed your point and considered what you have said. I deconstructed it, and formed a coherent and logical reply. Please could you retort?
I see what you mean, but at the end of the day racism is racism and abuse is abuse. The world recognise them as two completely different things. Racism is not regarded the same way hateful and abusive language is.
Sure footballers swear at eachother all the time, so what are they going to do ban everyone who tells another player to fuck off? There will be no players left to play in that case!
A racist comment however is completely different and goes much deeper than some momentary dislike to a person. It is a direct attack on their race and therefore personal. People should no better, regardless of the heat of the moment, not to use racist comments.
I am not justifying hateful and abusive langauge, but it is generally more accepted than racist language. Passion can take over in football so people swear and say things they usually wouldnt, but that is no excuse to be racist in my opinion.
What do you reckon? I Feel like im writing an essay in philosophy!
What did Evra say? And was it a race based insult? Or just an insult?
If its just an ordinary insult, there is fuck all the FA can do about that
Players tell each other to fuck off hundreds of times a game – while fans sing about players missus’ taking it up the arse
What are you gonna do about it
If what he said was so bad, Suarez should formally complain
Oh no, the scousers are making a big Suarez banner
Oh god, the entire Liverpool team are wearing shirts with Suarez’s picture on
Even Suarez
Liverpool are beyond a parody of themselves. The FA should triple the ban.
you belong in the 1950s, as seen above you have a bee in your bonnet about black players not taking racial abuse with good nature and a laugh, you would be sacked for such a remark in the workplace and Suarez was always going to get serious sanctioning. This isn’t holier then thou nor tribal, if Rooney did similar we would call for him to get banned and not try and perjure any legal case.
they are self pitying, vile, vermin, horrid horrid cunts of a species
thing that is angering me most about this saga, is that everyone seems to be rallying around Suarez, however the real victim here is Evra…he has been vindicated and proven the real victim, yet he is been treated like a criminal
Its a fucking disgrace just typical of those scouse cunts…..nuke them I say..enough is enough
Someone should come out and speak up for Evra…enough Suarez self pitying and cock sucking…he is guilty.Not the fucking victim here.!!
Fucking raging here lads…raging
i presume that is not aimed at me….
Too right. All the headlines are about how Liverpool are angry at the decision and what Suarez’s options are. What a messed up world we live in.
Thing is Sheesh, and this is quite sad really, if you are a black player monitoring all this fallout with Suarez and Terry, it makes you think why the fuck would you speak out, when you are so vehemently classed as in the are the victim, but even though you are innocent of any wrong doing and the get all the shit that Suarez should be getting
Liverpool FC should be fucking ashamed, and if the FA had any real bollocks I would deduct them points for their complete disregard and lack of respect at the outcome….they are so in the wrong its disgraceful….
I think if more black players spoke up it would actually (albeit eventually) force the media to question how they report these stories. You’d need more of these players to speak up to create a movement.
ahh..but the media in this country are so fucking backwards i cannot see it happening…ever
It’s not just the players though, is it?
Like Cap said… why aren’t the press putting the boot in on Liverpools ridiculous claims of injustice?
To be fair though… this is still new news, and I expect we’ll see some criticism of the Verrrmin tomorrow.
i hope so Alf, but this is Liverpool don’t forget…they are immune to criticism, as if you dare question them you wont sell any papers on merseyside….
rightly or wrongly…
I just think racism is very much swept under the carpet in this country. If more players speak up about it, the media will then be less able to contextualise it.
The media are cunts so maybe they need something like the above to make them do their jobs properly.
tbf, i disagree with this a little sheesh…racism in the uk only forms an outcry when it sells papers….. agreeing with evra wont sell the sun (whoops) unfortunately
In all its glory
Fuckin hell… that’s embarrassing.
Can you imagine Fergie wearing a shirt like that. It’s just ridiculous
He’s cracked. It’s christmas time and Liverpool have lost it, again. It was the same under Rafa
It really is desperate times for the Verrrmin though Sid.
They couldn’t even score against Wigan… WITH Suarez… they’ll be utterly toothless without him.
They’re just lucky Newcastle have an injury crisis in defence right now, or they’d be in 7th.
It will be a long long time before Liverpool wins another league title. The two Manchester clubs will be battling for the title for years, with the rest further back fighting for third and fourth positions.
It is very difficult for us fans to conclude the situation since we do not have enough information from both set of players. However, it is stated that Suarez did use the N word and if he admitted using that, he has to be charged.
Liverpool giving silly backings like Suarez doesn’t know the N word is offensive in England is complete stupidity. If a “Cannibal” player comes to England and eat someone up, will Liverpool protect this Cannibal and say it is their culture to eat people up and is supposed to be friendly and intimate?
However, the FA or FIFA messed up with the fact that they do not accept Racism but yet has no guidelines on how many games players will be banned & fined…etc. Hence, no one can really say whether this ban is acceptable, too long or too lenient. The FA should really set out guidelines on this ASAP.
Last but not least, I’m confused with why Terry’s case is involved with the police and not FA while Suarez’s case is only involved with the FA. Anyone knows why?
Liverpool FC are making themselves a laughing stock. The wisest advice when you are in a hole is to stop digging.
Poor Liverpool: once a team that had a positive reputation with regard to issues of playing black footballers and being against racism, they have tarnished that reputation — worse, they have made it seem to have been a sham. If the situation were reversed there would be no way we would defend one of our Caucasian players on a charge of racism if he racially insulted a black player from another team — we would see him as antithetoical to everything the club was about — and the burden of proof would be on our player to shw complete innocence — we would not put ourselves in a position where we would be emnbarrassed by an independent and presume very fair and objective committee investigating the charges finding the player guilty. If we were to have followed Liverpool in the way we handled this hypothetical case, then it would have been like we insulted the memory of all our great black players (and there are some really great players of colour who wore/are wearing the United shirt — last season we played a match with, if I remeber right, 7 black players and a Asian.
The big issue is that a racial insult is not like any other insult — it invokes a whole unfortunate history — slavery/colonialism/ segregation/apartheid and then also the holocaust.
If we want to live as one human race irrespective of race then we have no place for racially charged insults. Kenny and the boys at Anfiled should accept this with grace and make sure their player learsn something from thius.
Slight tangent here but am I the only one who is getting sick of the conga line of Uruguayans or South Americans generally queueing up to complain about how disgraceful it is for someone to be offended by being called a “little black man”?
Maybe Uruguay is a paradise on earth where everyone is genuinely colour-blind and racism doesn’t even exist as a concept. Great – could not give a stuff if so, it’s a problem in the rest of the world and needs to be stamped out. Most importantly, it’s a problem in the country where Suarez voluntarily chose to move to in order to be paid a fortune to ply his trade – unlike the black slaves who were abducted from their homelands in Africa to work in servitude to advance the fortunes of people in various countries around the world including, you guessed it, Uruguay.
Suarez gets an 8 week paid vacation given that it’s clear LFC won’t be fining him – man, how awful for the poor widdle lad. Try breaching the local laws and customs in the Middle East and parts of Asia – the corporal punishment or jail term you’d receive would make an 8 week ban from playing football look like a reward, not a penalty.
Horrible club.Horrible players.Horrible fans.
OMG this is real, KKK really wore that
I wish someone would beat the fuck out of Poyet. An even bigger cunt than suarez- or trying to be.
Liverpools anti-racist campaign is a joke, and the the t/shirt idear has backfired , hope united never embarrass us like that.
Backlash to Suarez tshirts
According to Sky Sports, it will take weeks and not days for the full report to be released.
The longer the Suarez racism thing hangs in the air, the worse it will be for Liverpool.
Barnes sticks his tuppence in.
I dont see how the FA and Evra can say Suarez is not a racist and still manage to charge him with uttering racist language. You’ve effectively labelled him a racist and may have harmed his career by doing so. What is this about? Is it about language, race, politics??? I’m not convinced this is about racism. For example, I’ve heard of unnamed black footballers calling other black footballers “my nigga”. How is this ok??? How can one condone these words and yet without any hesitation criticize the use of a word from a footballer who’s first langauge is not English, does not understand the norms of English society, and who has never exhibited any racist behaviour… I think in the English football and the FA in particular may find that holding the moral high ground was not all it was meant to be.
“As much as we will say that ignorance is no excuse, ignorance is an excuse.”
Suarez has been in England for a year. If he was genuinely ignorant of the law then surely he would come out and apologise now that he has learned that ‘negrito’ is an offensive term, and using a person’s race to insult them is wrong
But he hasn’t, and he won’t
Shit thing is this will be held up as representative of what all of the black community think on the issue
He played in Holland for 4 years FFS. He can’t even plead ignorance re what is or isn’t acceptable to a black person.
FFS… another tool that doesn’t get the point…
I doubt very much that Evra is losing any sleep over this… victim, my ass… the point is that Suarez used racist language, and that’s wrong… do you understand?
Evra shouldn’t have to deal with racist cunts… but fans shouldn’t have to hear it either… fathers shouldn’t have to explain to their kids that what Suarez just called Evra, is not cool to call their black mates at school.
We’re supposed to be trying to get this shitty attitude out of our society, and cunts like you just keep trying to find excuses for why it’s not such a big deal… fuck off!
By the way… if you want to talk about your situation, you’ll find most agree, that what’s happening to you also is wrong.
“Badges, to god-damned hell with badges! We have no badges. In fact, we don’t need badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges, you god-damned cabrón and ching’ tu madre! Come out from that shit-hole of yours. I have to speak to you.”
Just to put into perspective how pathetically embarassing Liverpool’s response (ie the t-shirts) has been, Chelsea felt no need to put on any public displays last night at White Hart Lane. When you’ve been outclassed by Chelsea, you know you’re in trouble.
Liverpool have informed the Daily Mirror that they are no longer welcome at the club after the yesterday’s headline “suarez the racist” #LFC
Banned from Klanfield. What a pity.
The Scousers lurch from one embarrassment to another.
United fans have modified the Suarez chant:
so they have banned The Sun and The Mirror. ffs.
So Liverpool aren’t racist, eh?!/StanCollymore/favorites
That’s terrible mate!
I tell you what, PM me your address and Bri will sort this shit out for you!
Fuck me!! classy!
I don’t tweet Sheeshy… what does it say?
The problem for the Verrrmin seems to be, that they don’t like Suarez being called a “racist”… as if that means then, what he said doesn’t matter.
Even if he really isn’t racist by nature… which is quite possible… he still used racist language that needs to be eradicated from the game and society.
Just copy and paste the whole of the link (not just the bit in red letters) onto the part where you normally enter a web address.
It’s a link to Stan Collymore’s Twitter page. He’s saved a load of messages from Liverpool fans.
The ‘tweets’ are pretty self explanatory.
Well in, Collymore, well in indeed
Proof if ever proof were needed that England and English football still has a serious problem with racism
Hopefully those cunts will get a knock at the door from the dibble. I hope they spend Christmas in a police cell
A lot of that’s not really racism though Sid… not really… most of that’s just fuckin cretinous shit heads acting like… well… cretinous shit heads… and every race and country has it’s share of those.
The issue for me is allowing video evidence and fan complaints, in the case of John Terry, to suddenly condemn players to games on the sidelines. Is that really a door we want opened?
I’m not here to defend racism or anything like it, but some pretty horrible things get said on the pitch — is saying something about someone’s wife less offensive than using a racial remark? I’m not sure. Nor is anyone else. It’s all a matter of personal opinion.
That aside, the FA is a workplace and if it set a speech code and that is violated, well there you are. You can’t really complain about it, can you?
Indeed, like with the Materazzi-Zidane situation. There should be official guidelines on whats acceptable and not, and there will always be someone who whispers something in an opponents ear to rattle them. However, not even football players should need clarification on the fact that racist remarks are an absolute no-no.
I’m quite disgusted with whats been written on Collymore’s twitter. Can’t have many brain-cells that lot combined. It’s football, something that is extremely important to a lot of us, but stooping to the level that some people have is just unbelievable. Get your heads straight!
Liverpool were lucky and unlucky. Unlucky that is was Suarez who was the perpetrator and not Carroll. They cannot go without Suarez for 8 games, he is all they have got. Losing Carroll for 8 years is unlikely to make a serious dent in their (non-existent) title aspirations.
They were lucky that it was our guy Evra that Suarez had his racial beef with: if it had been the sky-blue Italian from across the road, he would have stuffed so many burning rockets and Roman candles up the Uruguayan’s arse that he would have been blasted out of the stadium, through the stratosphere and well into orbit.
So ironic as I sit in North America reading all this about Suarez and Evra. Yours is a country that embraced slavery, Imperialism, a horribly prejudiced class system, brought your children up calling black people “darkees”, wears colors representing your religion and allows religious prejudice and persecution. Your FA and your football are medieval. You look so holy giving large unusual sentences … like you have been against racism forever. You try to make your league better by supplementing your weak English player pool with internationals. But you have not prepared yourselves to deal with the multiculturalism and associated on-field antics because of your past. Your FA, your league, and your national team are an international joke. Look at your self in the mirror Britain … the sentence puts the spotlight on your own inadequacies, and your horrid prejudiced past.
Scot – who is the “you” you keep referring to in this diatribe? Could it be that you’re painting 60 million British people of diverse cultural, racial and religious backgrounds (including 75,000 of ‘your’ Canadian compatriots) with a single brush to try and make a sweeping anti-British statement? Yes I think so. Turn that mirror my friend. Racism exits, existed and will, sadly, probably always exist in British society. But I fail to see the path you’re drawing between Britain, slavery, multiculturalism (in football) and the Luis Suarez/Patrice Evra case.
Just when you thought the story had died, this thick cunt starts talking shite to the Mail:
Just read that, Sheesh. What a fucking idiot. My favourite bit is when he calls Paul McGrath a racist. Fucking clot.
“The longbow beats the crossbow, my idiotic friend”
The players believe all the bullshit the club and the fans have put out
There is a set narrative now in Liverpool over what happened, and most of it is bullshit. They still think he said negrito, they still think its acceptable in the UK, they still think the FA are calling him racist, they still think Evra didn’t shake Suarez’s hand etc.
What’s surprising is how the truth nor the facts can’t permeate through the waves and waves of bullshit
its not only thescouse fans who are thick as horse shit then, it’s their players too
I’m particularly disappointed at the comments of someone like John Barnes, someone who used to be racially abused every single week and had bananas thrown at him.
He should be making a stand against racism.
Any other club and he would… but this just endears him even more the Scouse faithful.
The Victim flirts with a move to PSG
Hehe, agent Suarez, ruins Liverpool’s reputation, then fucks off
Couldn’t blame Suarez for leaving. Although he’s a piece of shit, he’s a good player, and Liverpool have scored five points since the new year. FIVE. It’s going to be very funny when he leaves after Dalglish dragged the club’s reputation through the mud to kiss his arse.
Aye, he’s better than that domestic dross. But he’s not as good as I thought. He’s only scored 6 goals and has just 1 assist. He’s ‘lively’, and occasionally x factory, but doesn’t score enough.
And on, and on, and on…
What a deluded cunt, he is so full of shit its getting beyond a joke.
He’s continued to gob off about this for a while now. He should be careful, he’s the last big name at the club who was involved in the incident, and if the yanks are prepared to get rid of King Kenny then this racist WUM cunt will be out on his arse no worries if his contribution on the pitch begins to wane.
It’s really depressing that a worthless sack of shit like Suarez earns more per week than most people do in a year even in a wealthy country like the UK.
And then has the stones to go on telly and have a big moan at how unfair he’s been treated…
For trouble he started.
It’s a fucked up world, and we’re all doomed.
“I have spoken with the manager since the game at Old Trafford and I realise I got things wrong. I’ve not only let him down, but also the Club and what it stands for and I’m sorry. I made a mistake and I regret what happened. I should have shaken Patrice Evra’s hand before the game and I want to apologise for my actions. I would like to put this whole issue behind me and concentrate on playing football” – Luis Suarez, February 12.
“In England, it was shown the moment when I passed in front of him, but they didn’t see that he had his hand low before. Only the media in Uruguay and Spain showed that I wanted to shake his hand. Previously, I had promised my wife, the manager and the directors that I was going to shake hands with Evra. There was a chance for the teams not to shake hands like in a game between QPR and Chelsea [following the Anton Ferdinand-John Terry racism row], but I told them I was to shake hands with him. ‘Why not?’, I thought, because I had no problems with him. I had been punished because of him, but I had no problems with shaking hands” – Luis Suarez, July 17.
Taken from 365
His recent comments confirm that apology was in fact written by Liverpool’s PR department on the request of the sponsors.
Suarez is a victim in that he’s been indoctrinated into the scouse cult. He genuinely does not know what he has done wrong – even after all this time. And the people to blame for that are the club because they can’t have explained to him why you can’t say what he said, or do what he did. Instead they’ve filled his head with shit like ‘you’re the victim of a Manchester led conspiracy’ & ‘Evra has previous’, and he believes it because he’s a gormless idiot.
I think the reason he won’t let it go is because he’s copping all the grief he deserves, and he can’t make it stop.
No doubt he’s got his supporters, but I bet he’s also getting a lot of dirty looks, snide comments, and outright insults for being a mouthy asshole, who used racist language in a pissy little dispute…
“Please stop picking on me… it wasn’t my fault, I’m not a racist really…”
Dalglish’s support for Suarez got him fired – Fergie
“I wasn’t surprised at Kenny leaving,” said Ferguson. “I think John Henry has obviously looked at the Suarez incident and felt it wasn’t handled in the right way.
“I think that must have been part of it. It certainly wasn’t a nice thing to happen, you know.”
That, and the awful team he assembled
Our boss has no business commenting on that. He should just let it slide. we have bigger fish than Liverpool to fry this season.
Hello folks.
I think it was in general context of Suarez opening the discussion up again with this whole ‘political power’ thing. Ferguson hasn’t just come out with it, they’ll always be sly digs at Liverpool, especially when they’ve cut the away ticket allocation as well and I don’t expect them to be any where near as shite again this season.
Why should he “let it slide” Cal?
United maintained a very dignified silence during the whole affair… but this pissy little gobshite won’t let it go, so no doubt Ferguson was asked about it, and all he’s done is replied with the truth…
Maybe if the Scousers actually give it some logical thought, they’ll realize that, whether they believe Suarezs’ nonsense or not… it’s time he shut his face and move on… and tell him so.
And hello back!
“Badges, to god-damned hell with badges! We have no badges. In fact, we don’t need badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges, you god-damned cabrón and ching’ tu madre! Come out from that shit-hole of yours. I have to speak to you.”