Submit an article to United Rant and win this high quality green & gold, 100 per cent fake anti-Glazer shirt with the player’s name and number of your choice on it! The rules for the competition are simple – write at least 500 words of topical analysis in the United Rant style, submitting to with the words WRITING COMPETITION in the subject line.
The top five articles chosen by me will be posted on United Rant later this summer, with the readers voting on the best submission.
Get writing – closing date for the competition is Friday 13 August at midnight.
*Deadline now extended to end of August*
Cmon Alf,Cap,Robbo,Sheesh and Pikey, heads up and hand on pens for a change.
I’d write an article if I could only get my head around spelling certain words like fok and kunt, or maybe an article on how its a friggin waste of time and space putting up a forum for you imbeciles!
I got lost at this
That’s a nice shirt
Why don’t we have a beauty contest instead?
Sorry Pikey, you’re disqualified.
*scribbles furiously*